Getting here
Italy is increasingly an easy and relatively inexpensive place to reach. With the increase in no-frills flights to many destinations the possibilities are excellent.
We have based the following information on travel from the UK. If you are travelling from elsewhere in Europe or internationally then we would be pleased to help you arrange your travel by providing further information where possible.
The best airports for San Martino are Pisa, 50 minutes drive, and Florence, 1 hour drive. Bologna is approximately 2 hours drive but can be congested around the Florence ring road.
Car Hire
Most of the standard car hire companies operate out of both Pisa and Florence airports.
Getting there by car
Some of you if you have the time may prefer to drive. Tuscany is a good two day drive from the UK, via the Channel Tunnel and down through France. Picking your own route is half the fun and the chance to see a bit of the countryside on route.
Getting there by train
You can also travel by Motorail to Bologna (Bologna is some 2 hours drive from San Martino), you can book this and obtain information through Railsavers (, 01253 59 55 55). Railsavers are also able to book train journey’s and issue tickets for Italian rail travel prior to departure. Please contact them on the numbers above.